- Setting the COOP and COEP headers on static hosting like GitHub Pages
- Playing with AI inference in Firefox Web extensions
- Testing browser-use, a scriptable AI browser agent
- Eleventy (11ty) year, year-month, and year-month-day indexes
- My response to the UK Competition and Markets Authority
- The Web Conf 2024, Singapore: Trip report
- So, what exactly did Apple break in the EU?
- Lenovo ThinkVision P27h-20 screen randomly turns off when connected to MacBook Pro
- Wasm meetup Munich: A Wasm New Year! trip report
- W3C TPAC 2023 Trip Report
- Web Apps on macOS Sonoma 14 Beta
- Getting my domain back
- Cross platform software frameworks
- iOS Continuity Camera not working in Chrome
- Not everyone's currently building for the Web, but probably more people should
- Project Fugu 🐡 on the JS party podcast
- Modern Frontends Live
- Reflections about Project Fugu 🐡
- Things not available when someone blocks all cookies
- Announcing the Project Fugu API Showcase
- iOS Browser Engine Choice
- Releasing SVGcode
- Things mode and strings mode in Google Trends
- 14 years at Google
- Public statement of support for Annalena Baerbock and Die Grünen for #BTW21
- Dark Mode Web App Manifest App Icons
- Excalidraw and Project Fugu 🐡 at Google I/O
- <ruby> HTML footnotes
- Releasing Joy-Con WebHID
- Submitting and Distributing a Safari App Extension
- Learning from Mini Apps—W3C TPAC Breakout Session
- Play the Chrome dino game on your Nintendo Switch
- The requestVideoFrameCallback API
- My Working From Home Setup During COVID-19
- Multi-MIME Type Copying with the Async Clipboard API
- Brotli Compression with mod_pagespeed and ngx_pagespeed
- Progressive Enhancement In the Age of Fugu APIs
- Same same but different: Unicode Variation Selector-16
- Inspecting Facebook's WebView
- Animated SVG favicons
- The redesigned Blogccasion is live
- prefers-color-scheme in SVG favicons for dark mode icons
- Project Fugu 🐡 at W3C TPAC
- Not All Is Nothing—Finding Out If the Browser Supports a Given Media Query
- A Quick Look At WeChat's Mini Programs
- Re-Colorization for Dark Mode
- Let there be darkness! 🌚 Maybe…
- What Does Dark Mode’s “color-scheme” Actually Do? 🤔
- Two HTTP headers related to Service Workers you never may have heard of
- Engaging in Web Standards—The “Compatible with Most Web Developers” Approach
- Progressive Web App Progress in iOS 12.2 Beta 1 (Build 16E5181f)
- Experimenting with the Wake Lock API
- Why Build Progressive Web Apps: If It’s Just a Bookmark, It’s not a PWA!—Video Write-Up
- Why Build Progressive Web Apps: Push, but Don’t be Pushy! — Video Write-Up
- Why Build Progressive Web Apps: Never Lose a Click-Out!—Video Write-Up
- Why Browsers Download Stylesheets With Non-Matching Media Queries
- New top-level HTTP Archive Report on Progressive Web Apps
- Service Worker Caching Strategies Based on Request Types
- Submitting a Microsoft Edge extension to the Microsoft Store
- Progressive Web Apps in the HTTP Archive
- Linux on a Mid 2007 iMac
- AMP cache adding an external CSS style sheet?
- International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE2015): Trip Report
- Mediterranea.JS: Trip Report
- World Wide Web Conference (WWW2015): Trip Report
- International Semantic Web Conference 2014: Trip Report
- PhD thesis successfully defended
- WS-REST 2014 and Weaving the Web(VTT) of Data
- Telling Breaking News Stories from Wikipedia with Social Multimedia: A Case Study of the 2014 Winter Olympics
- Bots vs. Wikipedians—Who edits more?
- Batch-convert PDFs to JPEGs and extract raw text from PDFs
- PDF Archive of All My Published Papers
- Disabling Blog Comments
- What I do for a living in my PhD
- Shutting down the Open Knowledge Graph
- SEKI@home, or Crowdsourcing an Open Knowledge Graph
- Knowledge Graph Socializer Chrome extension
- AVM FRITZ!Box 7270 Wi-Fi Router
- Enabling on-the-fly Video Shot Detection on YouTube
- Nil Steiner Torrent has arrived
- A Chrome extension that actually implements xkcd #37. Yeah, for real.
- Crowdsourcing Event Detection in YouTube Videos
- Next Generation Web Services Practices NWeSP
- Generating the ellipsis character on Mac, Windows, and Linux
- JSON Emergency Brake
- Thesis Proposal Passed
- Dear Google+
- Facebook Swarm NLP Chrome Extension
- W3C RDF Working Group - JSON Syntax Options
- Slides from my talk at WS-REST 2011 at WWW 2011, Hyderabad, India
- Twitter Whom To Follow Chrome Extension
- Foto ABC for iPhone by Esquimal Apps launched on the AppStore
- GoodRelations Amazon Checker Google Chrome Extension
- Breadcrumb Navigator Google Chrome Extension
- RDFa Triple Lister Chrome extension released
- RDFa API-based Creative Commons Laser Highlighter Chrome Extension Released
- JRON - From JSON to RDF by Sandro Hawke
- New Job: Switching From Part-Time Customer Solutions Engineer to Full-Time Research
- Regarding mca's The Cure for URI Construction in your Web API is URI-Templates
- BTstack Keyboard & BTstack Mouse Live Demo on an iPhone 3G
- Attending Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2010
- Nachmieter gesucht für 3-Zimmer-Wohnung in der Gryphiusstr. 1, Hamburg Winterhude (Update: Wohnung vergeben)
- iPhone 3.1.2 Update Hints and Reminders
- AdWords API PHP Client Library is the new APIlity
- Still loving Google
- Feed URL has changed
- An SEO presentation EVERYONE should know
- The story of our stroller ramp
- Offener Brief an die Vermieter und Mitmieter in der Musterstr. 1 in Hamburg (German)
- Why day-trading on eBay does not work if you are a human
- Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt als Google Logo (German)
- The story of a short night
- Welcome to this wonderful world, Emma Steiner Torrent
- Sleepless in Hamburg
- Recap of today's events
- Groundhog day
- Birth on hold
- Contractions are back
- Having a baby the Mediterranean way…
- Still waiting in vain
- It's a…
- Waiting for the forth member of the family
- iPhone 3G: Firmware Download Links, Search Engine Tweaks, Bookmarking Hacks, slide to unlock Customization
- Google Web Toolkit (GWT): Casting an Element retrieved with DOM.getElementById()
- A Keffiyeh is a lot more than a Fashion Accessoire from H&M
- Death Prevails - Hackneyed
- Two good JavaScript Books
- DIE ZEIT erklärt die Finanzkrise für Normalsterbliche (German)
- APIlity Agua 1.13.0 Released
- Error: uncaught exception: [Exception…
- APIlity 1.13.0 Final Version released
- Tobias Bandh über Living in the Cloud (German)
- APIlity 1.13.0 Preview Version released
- Official Tour de France iGoogle Gadget Released
- Persistent Storage JavaScript Library
- Note to myself regarding JSON
- APIlity 1.12.0 finally released
- Did you think that you were dreaming? - Sometimes I don't know…
- Löwenzahn-Parodie - Wie man auch ohne die Börse reich wird
- Single Awareness Day
- Google Tech Talk on REST Describe & Compile
- Sweet 1000 Miles Away Melancholy
- Firefox on Mac OS X and LiveHTTPHeaders Alt L Hotkey Annoyance
- Why Google is on the
- Back from parental leave, back to business
- Welcome to life, Lena Steiner Torrent
- On Parental Leave…
- Power is back in Barcelona
- Parts of Barcelona still without power
- Barcelona power outage
- Auto-generate the Java, Python, Ruby, and PHP 5 Wesabe API client code
- REST Describe & Compile Screencasts
- HOWTO make a screencast on Mac OS X
- REST Describe & Compile in practice
- REST Describe & Compile in feature freeze for France release
- Liebe ist grenzenlos (Love has no limits)
- Generate Java from your WADL REST API Descriptions with REST Describe & Compile
- Dog food in REST Compile & Describe
- Generate Python from your WADL REST API Descriptions with REST Describe & Compile
- Generate Ruby from your WADL REST API Descriptions with REST Describe & Compile
- Generate Code from your WADL REST API Descriptions with REST Describe & Compile
- REST Describe in the news and Road Map
- REST Describe first working Beta released
- REST Describe and why WADL is so god damn German
- REST API Code Generation project in the news…
- Automatic Multi Language Program Library Generation for REST APIs
- Political will is also a renewable resource in Germany
- The good thing about reinventing the wheel is that you can get a round one. (Douglas Crockford)
- Das Leben der Anderen - Eine DDR jenseits der Sonnenallee
- Proxima Estación: Esperanza
- French-German Quaero project no longer French-German
- Too old to die young…
- The French Way of Solving Problems
- Interesse am Informatikstudium sinkt weiter
- Forum PHP 2006 Paris
- Subject for my Final Year Project
- Über das Schöngerede von VoIP
- R.I.P. Alturo - Switching my web hoster
- Five things about Europe I miss while in the US
- State of Fear
- APIlity 1.4.5 released
- Spam ist nicht sooo übel
- Mashup Camp 2
- Independence Day - Eine Nation feiert.
- APIlitAx 0.9.0 released. An Ajax GUI for Google AdWords
- Dynamically created tables in Internet Explorer
- How Google really works
- Living on a jet plane… NASA Ames Research Center
- APIlity 1.4.4 released
- Cantamos para no llorar. The Orishas
- Kurioses rund ums J1 Visum für die Einreise in die USA
- Welttag des Buches, Sant Jordi und das deutsche Reinheitsgebot
- Pandora and the Music Genome Project
- APIlity 1.3.0 released (obligatory upgrade)
- This account is empty => Hotfix for APIlity 1.1.0
- Gmail is great!
- 8-Bit May Never Die!
- Updating my CV, amerikanischer Musterlebenslauf, modèle de CV américain
- Doing things the last time…
- APIlity 1.1.0 released
- Blog-Spam On My blogccasion Software
- Common RSS logo in browsers
- Drogué de la poudreuse - Skiing at Les Deux Alpes
- At length and at last I have reached the land of plenty
- Do not modify the divine world order
- Updated APIlity Reference released
- La France en état d'urgence
- Verlan für Erfängan und Fipros
- Des émeutes en France arrivent à un nouveau niveau
- Paris Riots November 2005
- APIlity 1.0.1a released
- Some thoughts about Apple's iPod 4G
- Zimmer mit Bergblick in gastlicher Atmosphäre
- Karlsruhe, Moltkestraße 3. Krebsgefahr durch Schimmelpilze
- Die Franzosen und die englische Sprache
- APIlity 1.0.1 released
- Why I started to blog
- Working at Google for the APIlity PHP project
- Grenoble ist mehr ein Weltteil als eine Stadt.
- Connection ADSL avec Alice et son noveau AliceBox