Having a baby the Mediterranean way…
23:57, even optimists will agree that the baby won't make it for today. 16 hours of waiting, reading, eating cookies and having too much coffee (me), and still no baby. Mañana, there is always a mañana… Lena and my brother have stopped by to visit us in the hospital, so have Laura's parents, and I have been a while at home taking Lena to bed. Fortunately she is in best hands with my brother, so at least there is one thing less to worry about. So when will Emma(?) come? The optimist in me says mañana, the number theorist in me says tomorrow (three times three equals nine, 03-03-2009), and the hoping me just says any time soon. They don't let us turn home because Laura gets some antibiotics every four hours. Hoping for her that Emma(?) has a little bit of German Pünktlichkeit as well in her genome. I am a bad example, though, so probably Laura has good reasons to blame me for the baby's late arrival… She's sleeping now, I let her blame me mañana, if there'll be some free time with all the delivering a baby and such ;-)