
Announcing the Project Fugu API Showcase

One of the most frequent questions we hear on the Project Fugu team is: 🤔 "What are some of the apps people build with Project Fugu 🐡 APIs?"

The Project Fugu API Showcase is our answer:

Project Fugu API Showcase

It allows interested parties to get a filterable list of all the apps, big and small, that use a given API.

Need to prove that we're building obscure-sounding APIs like the Web Serial API for a reason? Select the API's chip and there goes a list of all the apps that use it:

Project Fugu API Showcase filtered on apps that use the Web Serial API

The Project Fugu API Showcase is community-driven. Everyone can submit apps for inclusion, and they will get listed after a short period of time of verification and approval.

Of course the Project Fugu API Showcase is contained in itself (yay, recursion 🎉), which means on supporting browsers you can use it to share it (or any other of the contained apps) with your followers:

Project Fugu API Showcase Project Fugu API Showcase and the iOS Share Sheet Project Fugu API Showcase and the Twitter compose tweet dialog

Please help spread the word and use this in discussions with the people you work with (whose apps you—or they—are obviously most welcome to add to the showcase):

You can edit this page on GitHub.


5 Mentions

Earlier today, we have launched the 🐡 Project Fugu API Showcase (). @tomayac has written a quick announcement blog post ✍️ to cover what it does:…
Web apps are becoming better and better, as web browsers continue to add new features and APIs. Google now has a site showing off some of the best examples of modern web apps. Google has spent the past few years adding features in Chrome that allow web apps to behave more like na […]
Web apps are becoming better and better, as web browsers continue to add new features and APIs. Google now has a site showing off some of the best examples of modern web apps. Google has spent the past few years adding features in Chrome that allow web apps to behave more like na […]
Web apps are becoming better and better, as web browsers continue to add new features and APIs. Google now has a site showing off some of the best examples of modern web apps. Google has spent the past few years adding features in Chrome that allow web apps to behave more like na […]