Cantamos para no llorar. The Orishas

Represent, represent C-U-B-A… I have discovered a great band which I want to introduce here: the Orishas. It was one of these situations where you are hanging around at some friend's place, and suddenly there is this music where you just need to know what it is. The Orishas are from Cuba, they sing in Spanish, their style is something between HipHop, Reggae, Bolero and no matter what and they definitively "have the rhythm in the blood" as a common German idiom says.
A great, however inofficial, place to get to know the band is the Orishas The Best site (Spanish). This site hosts some video bootlegs as well. Their texts are on the one hand political (child prostitution, emancipation, racism), and on the other hand they rap about friendship and love.
Good music is worth to be bought.
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